Ride2Autonomy EU Project
Ride-to-Autonomy is an EU-funded project that demonstrates autonomous shuttles’ integration into the transport system in ten EU cities.
The project ended on 30 November 2022. One of the key outcomes is the creation of the “Scalable Model” Toolbox, guiding cities to integrate autonomous shuttle solutions into their public transport system. It in available on the dedicated website: https://ride2autonomy.eu/.
Due to the variety in approach and context in the ten pilot sites, the project can provide guidelines for other cities to replicate the experience and lessons learned. The project analyses the system performance in view of safety and environmental impact, as well as its multimodal integration with the transport network. The individual and public response, as well as socio-economic potential of the services, are also looked at. Ride2Autonomy helps to develop new mobility concepts for passengers leading to healthier, safer, more accessible, sustainable, cost-effective and demand-responsive transport.
The project aims at harmonising research and innovation efforts around automated shuttle solutions by assembling the lessons learned not just from the project’s ten pilot sites from ten EU member states, but also from a number of further sites and national networks like Summalab that have expressed their willingness to exchange their knowledge and lessons learned through their own demonstration projects and activities.
To this end, Ride-to-Autonomy will involve the coordinators of three major shuttle demonstration projects: SHOW, FABULOS and ARTFORUM and their own demonstration sites, to validate two key deliverables: the “Scalable Model” toolbox (D4) and the “Lessons Learnt” guide (D5). This knowledge base, capitalising on much more than the ten project sites and supporting/follower organisations (shuttle suppliers, public transport operators, towns and cities), will duly accelerate the implementation of innovative automated shuttle solutions and services across Europe, thereby exploiting the full benefits of such solutions as part of an integrated sustainable mobility system.
The Project Knowledge Partners are Rupprecht Consult (coordinator), LuxMobility, MAPtm, Future Mobility Network, ERTICO, UITP, European Passengers’ Federation, Forum Virium, Navya, and POLIS. The ten pilot sites and their managers are:
Aveiro (PT) – Ubiwhere, The Municipality of Aveiro, and Instituto de Telecomunicações
Barcelona (ES) – Pendel Mobility
Contern (LU), Esch (LU), Pfaffenthal (LU) – Sales-Lentz
Inverness (UK) – HITRANS
Reggio Emilia (IT) – University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE)
Tampere (FI) – VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Tartu (EE) – Modern Mobility
Trikala (EL) – Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS)
Ride-to-Autonomy’s general objectives are to:
- Accelerate the uptake of innovative, inclusive, user-oriented and well-integrated automated shuttle solutions for passengers; and
- Increase the public acceptance and use of automated shuttle solutions through fostering a clear understanding of its benefits and limits.
The project’s specific objectives are to:
- Validate the functional and safe performance of automated shuttle solutions in operational environments (according to TRL 7-9 on the technology readiness level scale);
- Evaluate the socio-economic and environmental impacts and user acceptance, based on pilot site data and associated projects;
- Validate the potential reduction of transport emissions and congestion by increasing the efficiency of transport flows through automated shuttle solutions;
- Develop a scalable model (addressing interaction with transport users/means, the environment and infrastructure, road and telecommunication infrastructure as well as automotive backend infrastructure) for automated shuttle solutions, enabling their full integration into others’ transport systems;
- Develop guidelines for stakeholder and citizen engagement, policy making, mobility planning for Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM) solutions and business models, so as to support the full integration of automated shuttle solutions into transport systems and exploit the relevant strategic partnering opportunities between public agencies and the private sector.
This pilot project will promote the European Commission’s political priorities in the area of smart, connected, green mobility.
Reference: EU DG Connect/2020/3205093
Duration: April 2021-November 2022.
Total budget: approx. 1 M Euros.
R2A links to Summalab via The Future Mobility Network to share knowledge. Contact: Joop Veenis +31653289948.
The Project was awarded under the 2020 Work Programme for Pilot Projects and Preparatory Actions in the field of “Communications Networks, Content and Technology” – Pilot Project Smart urban mobility involving autonomous vehicles.
Lead partner:
Rupprecht Consult: Wolfgang Backhaus, Senior Consultant, w.backhaus@rupprecht-consult.eu
Materials and Documents
Practitioner Briefing on Road Vehicle Automation in Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning